Saturday, March 21, 2009

A spark in dry tinder.

My friend Scavenger and I have known each other for several years now, brought together by a common interest in blacksmithing. Over time we found that we shared many interests and values. When we lived closer together we would get together to forge and end up talking into the morning long after the forge had cooled. Now that we are separated by several hundred miles we though this would be a great way for us to share our projects and thoughts with each other and the general public.

So, what started this? I had been at my new job for about a week. I was in a local cafe with a coworker waiting for a meeting and we were looking at the posters of local high school athletic teams and cheerleaders. As we stood there a thought struck me; that cheer leading must have been around for centuries. I said I wondered how many times a clan brought out their young women to shout and dance and jump about to encourage the young men to go raid the neighbors cattle herd or some such thing. A fellow employee from another office looked at me and said, "You're not the type we usually get." On one hand I was flattered that he noticed I was not the usual type and on the other I was a little off balance. I work in AG in a small community and most farmers expect a certain type. If you don't fit the mold you often don't fit at all. I'll have to be careful.

That weekend I called my friend Scavenger and we had a good laugh over the whole thing as our minds work similarly. Around our campfire we don't have to worry about waxing philosophical. If we want to talk about books or politics or the how to heat treat a blade we are free to do so.

-The Feral Man

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